Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Trade Pullback With Trend

What is trend trade?

A trend trade is a trade that takes a clear trend definition and trade the dips (pullback) on the UP trend and trades the rallys (pull-up) on a DOWN trend. Simple, Smart & Basic.

What we need to master for a trend trade is all this:-

1. To Open Position

a. Trend definition  & strategy for optimization (continue research)
b. Pullback (dips) & pull-up (rallys) definition & strategy for optimization (continue research)
c. Timing entry definition & strategy for optimization (continue research)

2. To Close Position

a. Stop definition & strategy for optimization (continue research)
b. Exit definition. & strategy for optimization (continue research)

So there are five structure all traders should master or at least get the 'right' definition and have a strategy for optimization then later to success in trend trades. Trend definition and pullbacks definition patterns will create a SETUP. Timing entry definition is a sign to PULL THE TRIGGER.Stop definition and exit definition is EXIT STRATEGY.

Three phase in trading are:-

1. Identify Setup - SETUPING
2. Pull the trigger - TIMING
3. Exit strategy - EXITING

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